Financial Assistance
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Petersburg is committed to providing high-quality rehabilitation care and services to our patients. Financial assistance and payment plans are available to patients who are uninsured, underinsured or do not otherwise have adequate financial resources to pay for necessary rehabilitation services provided at the rehabilitation hospital.
To apply for financial assistance, you may obtain an application by inquiring in person at the information desk in the main lobby of the rehabilitation hospital, calling 804 504-8100 to request an application. When completing the application, the patient should attach resource documents to support the information they provide, e.g. last pay-stub or W-2 for income validation, bank statements, bill payments, disability/incapacity status.
Discount guidelines will apply to charity care or reduced-fee patients who qualify for these services, based on the following percentages of the Federal Poverty Limits:
Income Level
Reduction of Total Charges
0-200% FPL
201-300% FPL
301-400% FPL